Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Day 11; Happy Thanksgiving

via Remodelaholic by Cassity on 11/22/12

Thanksgiving scripture verse copy
I wanted to send you all a quick note to say Happy Thanksgiving and thank you so much for reading the blog.  It means a lot to have your support!  And since it is Thanksgiving Day here in the states… I thought it would be fun to each mention a few things that we are all thankful for.
My daughters, my daughters, my daughters…. Oh how I love them. They are such funny little characters. They know what they want and they going after those things. I love how they teach me. I love how they help me to want to be a better person and especially be a better mother.  I love watching my husband play with my girls.  There is nothing as beautiful as a loving, supportive and FUN father. Life with them is such a gift.
This year I am so thankful to be near our extended family.  It has been almost 8 years since we have had a family thanksgiving, and while I will admit it is almost easier to just have my own little dinner with my small family, I am so excited to just be with our family.  I LOVE to talk with and see all our extended family.  I love watching my daughters meet their cousins, and see them excited to be their friends and hearing them jabber on about hanging out with them.  I love my siblings, I want my children to have those same feelings toward these people that mean so much to me.
I remember when I became an aunt at the ripe age of 12 how excited I was about that sweet little baby, and how much I learned to love those children.  It made me realize what a gift I had in my own Aunts and Uncles.  I LOVE being part of a big family, I hope my children get to experience those same feelings.
I am thankful for our new home.  I always love a new project.  I am thankful for the comfort I feel here so quickly.  I am loving all the little victories we are making, be in organizing our TINY closet, to knowing where something is.
I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the hope and joy it brings to my life.
 I am very grateful for many things, but especially my family.  I have the best wife in the world, that has made it possible for me to be working from home with her, on our many awesome projects.  Cassity is the love of my life.  I am glade that I have her in my life to live and learn together.
I love my children very, very much.  Etta is such a joy.  I love to here her sing and to see her dance.  Etta is so smart and funny.  Lydia is so darn cute.  She is so fun to play with.  It is fun to see her learning and developing her own little personality.
I can't forget my little kitty, Cleocatra.  She is getting old in her years.  I hope that she is with us many more years to come.
I am grateful for my parents and the wonderful examples that they are to me.  They raised me in a good home centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is good to be back near them, to see them more often and for them to love and care for my children the way they love me.
One last thing that I am thankful for, are good power tools.  And a plus to that is a awesome wife that sees and understands the need for good power tools to get the job done right.  I love working on projects with the right tools.  It makes it more fun to do.
I asked Etta to tell me 5 things she was thankful for.  These are her exact answers in order of what she said: Jesus, Mommy, Daddy, Chrissy (her babysitter), Uncle Vono, LY-DI –A  (said in a whisper all long and drawn out), Spiders, Kendyl (our friend's daughter), Lydia (screamed really loudly!), a penny (she saw a penny not sure if this came out voluntarily, but it was sort of funny!), Grandma, Etta, Grandpa
Lately Lydia starts all her prayers with a list of things she is thankful for, it usually involves her listing each family member and then it spreads to what she sees around the room, and it often includes Mickey Mouse (from her favorite book that we read a few times daily).  This morning she was thankful for syrup, and who wouldn't be thankful for that especially when you are eating pancakes.  When I asked her what she was thankful for this is what she said: "B" (her blanket) Etta, Etta, Etta, Lydia, Etta, Opa, Oma (Grandpa and Grandma), Etta, me, Mickey Mouse, doggie, Mickey.   This girl LOVES her big sister, and I know the feeling is mutual!
Happy Thanksgiving, I hope that no matter what hard things may be going on in our lives that we can take a few minutes to think about our blessing and what we do have! 
Thanks to Adirondack Authority for the Thanksgiving Etiquette Table Setting Guide graphic.
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